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What is Panchakarma



Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification treatment. The aim of panchakarma therapies is to remove all impurities and aggravated doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) from the body and cure the disease and rejuvenate the body. Panchakarma therapies maintains balance in the body, mind and spirit. Through panchakarma, toxins (ama) and impurities are removed from the body, thereby purifying the body, balancing vata, pitta and kapha doshas and it plays a very important role in maintaining the digestive fire of the body.

Panchakarma is used for the treatment of the various disorders. Panchakarma includes five karmas – vaman, virechana, vasti, nasya, raktamokshana.

Panchakarma therapies are done in three steps-

-Pre procedure (purva karmas)- The preparation to be done before the main therapy are called purva Karma, it includes – dietary changes, snehana, swedana.

-Main procedure (Pradhan Karmas)- It includes -vamana, virechana, vasti, nasya, raktamokshana.

-post procedure (paschat karmas) – After taking panchakarma therapies, it is necessary to follow some rules – about diet and lifestyle.



Panchakarma therapies involve the purification of the body. The impurities that are removed from the body through purification are unable to cause disease again, each of the panchakarma therapies has its own benefits. Panchakarma therapies are very effective in eradication diseases from their roots.

Vaman, virechana, vasti, Nasya and raktamokshan are the main procedures of Ayurveda. The body is detoxed through these procedures.

Vaman (therapeutic emesis)- The general meaning of vamana is vomiting. The process in which impurities are taken out through the upper path (oral route) is called Vaman. Vomiting is induced in the patient through vamana Karma, by vomiting the patient’s contaminated kapha comes out through the mouth (upper path). When the contaminated kapha dosha or impurities are comes out through the mouth, the body becomes pure or detoxified.

Vomiting is the best remedy for treating the kapha dosha or kapha roga. The main place of kapha dosha is stomach and the impurities or aggravated kapha dosha are eliminated through the nearest route by vomiting, when the aggravated kapha dosha leaves the body, the obstruction of circulating channel is also removed, when the channels are cleared the disease of kaphaj dosha also gets cured.

Benefits of vamana Karma in- indigestion, acid reflux, anorexia, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, dysentery, oedema, Cholera, goitre, epilepsy, skin diseases, rhinitis, nausea and other kapha diseases etc.

Virechana (purgation)-The process in which impurities are taken out through the lower path (anus) is called virechana (purgation).

Purgation is induced in the patient through virechana karma, by purgation the patient’s contaminated pitta dosha comes out through the anus (lower path). When the contaminated Pitta dosha or impurities are comes out through the anus, the body becomes pure or detoxified. Purgation is the best remedy for treating pitta dosha or pittaj roga. When the aggravated pitta dosha leaves the body, the obstruction of the circulating channels is also removed, when the channels are cleared, the disease of pitta dosha also gets cured.

Benefits – pitta related disorders like jaundice etc, blood related disorders like- leprosy, spleen disorders, uric acid etc. varicose vein, piles, fistula, fissures, colitis, UTI etc.

Vasti (medicated enema)- Vasti is the process in which medicated oil, decoction etc liquids are usually introduced into the body through the anus called Guda vasti.

Vasti is the best treatment for vata dosha and vataj roga, more than half of the diseases of the body or mind are caused by vata and vata is also a contributing factor in the diseases caused by other doshas.

Vasti is called chikitsardha (half of the treatment) and some experts call it complete treatment. Vata dosha is balanced by medicated oil used in vasti karma.

Benefits- Due to the combination of medicines, vasti purifies the doshas, delays old age, establishes age, improves health by maintaining life span, strengthens the body, increase digestive fire etc. and cleansing, nourishing the colon.

Nasya (Nasal administration)- Giving the drug through the nose is called Nasya. The drug which is sniffed or dripped into the nostrils in the form of the powder or liquid is called Nasya (nasal drops). Nasya is especially beneficial in all diseases of the head, upper clavical area and upper respiratory tract.

The medicine of Nasya, after reaching the head (uttamanga), takes out all the vitiated impurities without allowing them to stick there, in this way, drugs are very beneficial in diseases like- headache, migraine, epilepsy, fainting, heaviness of the head, rhinitis.

Benefits – cleansing and rejuvenating nasal passages and sinuses, feeling of lightness in the body, lightness in the head, sleeping well and waking up on time.

Raktamokshana (bloodletting)- The process of draining out or removing of blood from the body to purify the body and cure a disease is called bloodletting (raktamokshana).

Blood provides nourishment and strength to the body, when the blood gets contaminated, diseases arise in the various parts of the body, therefore, it is very important for the blood to remain pure. Raktamokshana is the best treatment for the blood purification, contaminated blood is removed from the body through the bloodletting.



-Holistic approach- physical, mental and emotional well-being.

-Detoxification of the body- removing toxins from the body and curing diseases.

-Rejuvenation- rejuvenates the body by providing Nutrition to the tissues of the body.

-Customised treatment- Treatments and therapies are tailored to the need of each patient.

-Root cause analysis- Not only the symptoms, the root cause of the disease is also identified and treated.

-Natural therapies- Herbal medicines and natural techniques are used for treatment.

-Mind-body connection- Various techniques are used to control stress, anxiety and emotional factors like- yoga, meditation, Pranayama etc.

-No side effects- Natural therapies and the herbal medicines do not have any side effects.

-The disease which is cured by a natural therapies has no chance of recurring.

Benefits of Panchakarma


Detoxification- Detoxifies the body by eliminating aggravated doshas and toxins from the body and reduces the intensity of diseases, reduce anxiety, promotes relaxation.

Rejuvenate- Reduces excess weight by improving digestion and increasing absorption of the nutrients and boosts immunity. It infuses new energy into the body, make the body like new.

skin rejuvenation- Glowing and radiant complexion of skin.

Restore balance- keeps all three doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) balanced, restores digestive fire, maintains balance in the body tissues (Dhatu), controls emotions (reduces mood swings) and balance the hormones, concentration increases.

Relief from the chronic pain, chronic diseases, reduce inflammation and improves fertility.


The most hygienic and authentic panchakarma treatments are performed under the supervision of expert doctors in the yukti Herb’s multispeciality hospital by the trained and certified therapists. Along with the OPD, IPD facility is also available in Yukti Herb’s multispeciality hospital. Patients are admitted and treated under the supervision of expert doctors, stay facilities are also available after the therapies.

Yukti Herb’s has a team of most qualified doctors who treat your disease with perfection. All the products of Yukti Herb’s are certified by AYUSH-GMP. All these products are chemical free and vegetarian.


Diseases are treated comprehensively in the hospital. OPD, Panchakarma therapies and IPD facilities are also available in Yukti Herb’s multispeciality hospital. After doing panchakarma therapy, personal care of the patient is done and he is given guidance by an experts, after the therapy the patient’s diet and activities are take care of. Panchakarma therapies are performed in a very hygienic manner by a trained therapist under the supervision of an expert in the Yukti Herb’s multispeciality hospital, stay facilities are also available after the therapies. After discharge, a diet plan is provided to the patient by an expert and guidance is given for selfcare.

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